Thursday, March 4, 2010

Devan version 4.0

Devan turned 4 yesterday, and it was such a fun day. Here's how it went...

-Devan woke up at around 6 and we all went down to open presents

-Had waffles with whipcream strawberries and syrup

-The boys played with Devan's new toys while I made Devan's "Rocket" cake

-Had lunch (Devan and I went to the grocery store the day before and he picked out the things he wanted for his birthday lunch)
-Had a mini photo shoot for his 4 year old pictures (and by mini, I mean about 5 minutes, haha)

-Went to target and let the boys pick out a matchbox car and airplane
-Took a nap (even me!)
-Made Rocket ships with Devan

-Went to the park and drank Big Red soda (Devan picked it out) and ate fruit snacks
-Dropped Tristan off at a friends house and met Chad for Devan's "special birthday dinner" at Olive Garden (He was SO excited about this and mentioned it many times on the week leading up to his birthday)
-Picked up Tristan, went home, and had birthday cake

It was seriously one of the best days ever. Both of the boys were so good and we all just had a blast!


Kris and Sarah said...

Holy crap you have cute kids!!!

tphillips said...

He is SOOOO cute Lana!! Wow! What a cool birthday! And GREAT job on the cake! LOOKS AWESOME!!!!Happy Birthday Devan!

Seth and Natalie said...

Your cake looks so good, is that a natural or learned talent? I just love the kind of days you guys had, where it's so wonderful and you just love to be a mom. Good job on his picture, too, especially for a mini session.

lauren said...

Oh my! It looks like you had SO much fun and I LOVE the pictures of Devan! His hair is getting SO dark! Happy birthday to both of them!!!

~Our Family~ said...

He's so cute I just wanna give him a hug!